Happy Monday everyone!
First off, I apologize for last week's post being something of a tear-jerker--or so many of you have told me. That was not my initial intent when I sat down to write that. As it turns out, I've recently become very well-adjusted to my new life here and find myself thinking very clearly for the first time in a long time. It's strange how having a pretty regular routine after so many years of constant chaos has caused this.
My work schedule changes slightly on a week-to-week basis, but every morning I go to work, I know that I stop at my favorite bagel shop on the way to catch the train where I will order one (or two) plain bagels with nothing on them and a Vitamin Water. I'll eat one while I wait for the train and the first few minutes of the ride, then I'll pull out whatever book I've currently found myself submerged in until I arrive at the 42nd St./Times Square stop at which point I march out of the station, take a right on 43rd St. and wind up at work moments later. After my shift, I'll more than likely eat (for free!) and then either mosey on back home for a late afternoon/early evening work out, dinner, and then catching up on whatever TV I missed over the week. That's my typical day. Somehow, though, I've managed to turn all the monotony of that into something that gets me up each morning. Maybe I'm sleeping better because I'm working out now. Maybe I actual like my job and the people I get to work with and that makes me get up in the morning. Maybe I get up because I already work on the same streets that I hope to for a long time until my prospects change and I move onto something more fulfilling. Who knows? (Cue music. Right, Adam?) Either way, I'm really happy with my life right now.
Which brings me to the title of this post.
I'm sure during this, the facebook era, you've all seen this pictures where one person will tag a collection of characters with the names of their friends they believe to fit that specific mold. There is one currently circulating around facebook that is several different squares that say things like, "Your first crush", "The prettiest girl you know", "The friend that knows you better than anyone else", etc. I received an e-mail telling me that one of my former students from Lebanon had tagged me in a photo. Obviously, I was half intrigued, half terrified of what terribly embarrassing picture had recently surfaced. However, to my profound surprise, it was this most recent collage of "types" where this student of mine had tagged my name in the square that said "Someone that has changed your life." (Pause for tears.) It's been exactly a year ago that I began my student-teaching at Lebanon. Eight weeks later, I was a college graduate and had felt so accomplished in achieving not only a high-level of confidence in front of a choir, but also in developing a rapport with a group of students for which I came to care so deeply. I want to thank this student from the bottom of my heart for paying me the biggest compliment I have ever received. However much I may have impacted your life, I guarantee you've all done the same and more. Be good and always remember to breath.
This incredibly kind comment made me think of all the "Someone(s) who has/have changed my life." There are a lot of them.
My parents have obviously been a huge influence on my life in so many ways. From my mom, I've always been very conscious of being kind to everyone and being a good person. From my dad, I've acquire this sense of curiosity. I really like to know how things work. My dad really knows how just about ANYTHING works. Just ask him! However, I've also gotten this sense of know-it-all-ness from him. But I think it's more of an endearing trait than an off-putting one, mostly because I don't try to take myself too seriously.
Both my brother and my sister have been shining examples of cool, as I'm the eccentric one in the family and they are both pretty mellow, but know how to be crazy in their own rights.
All my friends from Glee Club changed my life by believing in me enough to give me lots of responsibility in the group. For this, I am eternally grateful. In the same vein, our director Ethan not only believed in me before I believed in myself, he put his reputation on the line for me. When I auditioned to be a music major my junior year, I didn't exactly dazzle the voice faculty, but Ethan assured them that while I wasn't the world's best singer, I would make one hell of a music teacher one day. As I'm writing, and anytime I think of that sentence, I feel guilty for not pursuing that career field after college. However, more than anyone, Ethan was the one that told me it was more important for me to follow my dreams and do what makes me really happy than to go into a field that I could always come back to. For your steadfastness and solid advice, I will always owe you an incredible debt, Ethan.
As I'm thinking of all the people I've known throughout my life, each one has played a part in making me the person I am today. As a performer, everyone is an audience member, so I guess I've been doing little trial auditions my entire life. I've failed a lot. But, in order to succeed, you have to fail a lot along the way.
While on that topic, I've decided to not let you all in on every audition I go to. Just know that I'm usually auditioning every week or two and I could definitely use all the thoughts and prayers in the world. When something actually happens, I guarantee you all will be among the first to know. I won't wait until a Monday. It'll be an emergency post with bells and whistles, flags and a fanfare.
I'm hoping to have another adventure soon, but am not sure when that'll happen. Days off are few and far between and usually packed with errands, like today. Sit tight; there are more adventures on the way.
Look around you. There's someone near whose life you have changed. Just be who you are and everyone will take notice.
Happy Adventures!
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