Hello everyone! Welcome to my blog!
Over the last few weeks, some things have fallen in to place and I've be able to take one step closer to my dreams. You may be asking: "What could you possibly be talking about, Nick?" Well, friends, I'm MOVING TO NEW YORK CITY!
Here's how it has happened:
While in Oxford to take the Praxis exam in June, I received a call from my good friend KTD. She informed me that she would be moving into an apartment in Astoria with a lease starting August 1. That's great news for her, but little did I know this would turn into even better news for me! The catch is that she is currently nannying for a family through the end of August which means that first month of her lease would be spent not living in the apartment, thus she has offered to let me sublet the apartment from her. How great to get an apartment without having to be in NYC, right? Naturally, I had my concerns. My biggest concern with this is that I would only have a month to find both a job and a place to live. You may say, "Nick, that's risky!" Well, fear not, friends. Because right around the next twist in this story is my friend Matt that I worked with while in college. Matt is an aspiring actor living in New York, but has found the city life getting a bit pricey, so he's decided to move out off the lovely island of Manhattan. I contacted him via facebook to let him know I was thinking of moving. "What fortuitous timing!" Matt exclaimed. "I'm looking to possibly take on another roommate in Brooklyn and we're moving in about a week and a half." Done and done.
Now, the only struggle I can foresee is finding a job once I get there. That's a bridge I'll cross in New York. For the time being, I will be working non-stop at Max & Erma's until I leave for my one vacation this summer.
Recently, I've been slowly telling those in my life about these plans and their reaction is all the same: "KEEP ME POSTED!" That's where this blog comes in. I don't know what to expect to from this huge change in my life, but I hope you'll all be right here to experience this with me. It's going to be tough, but I don't plan on giving up or letting bad days get me down. In fact, I will NOT give up! I want to tell stories that make people happy, help them escape, or make their lives better for the rest of my life. This is my dream. Enjoy!